
DEI Resources for Members

Find out what resources we have for the topic of diveristy, equity, and inclusion. 
A focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion is a critical component to any successful organization. Our member schools and employers are having important conversations surrounding this topic and ways they can improve their efforts internally and externally.
MBA CSEA is pleased to offer two additional ways for you to communicate and share best practices around DEI:
  • DEI Resource Group - meet with other schools and employers who are working on DEI efforts to learn, share, and benchmark. Resource groups meet on a regular basis based on the needs and schedules of group members. Complete this form to join one or more groups.
  • DEI Online Community - ask questions and share ideas at your convenience through our online community. Click here to join the community.
We are also planning additional DEI-related programming. Please contact us if you have ideas for topics and/or speakers.

